Sunday, November 8, 2009


If you think what I do, you think there's no such thing as salvation by works.
We all want to think there's something we can do that controls whether we go to Heaven, but the truth is that we have zero control whatsoever.

I've always looked at it in this way:
Salvation by works is impossible because it undermines our need for Christ's crucifixion and resurrection. Why would we need Christ to sacrifice himself for us if we control our own salvation by good works?

A few weeks ago at church it was put to me in this light:
God is totally just and righteous, He made Law and He judges us according to it.
If I have sinned (which I have, we all have), and I say to God on judgment day, "OK, God, I know I did all this bad stuff, and I deserve to got to Hell, but look at all these good works I've done. I did this good stuff so you should let me off the hook."
If God was to listen to me and let me into Heaven, he would be taking a bribe.
Only corrupt judges take bribes, since God is incorruptible and I've broken the law, my works don't get me any closer to getting into Heaven.

We are saved by God's grace and through our faith.
Works are just a side-affect, if you will, of our faith.
There are works in our lives because God tells us to do good works, and we have faith in Jesus Christ our Lord, and we have a desire to obey God.

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