I literally just finished a book called Peace Child by Don Richardson.
Never before had I read a book that made my cry with joy, it is such a beautiful story. It's so graceful and wonderful and I could not imagine a better story. (except for the original story, the bible, that this one is fashioned from.)
If you pick up the book and begin reading you'll probably put it down object strongly to the horrible treachery in the stories laid out for you, but those stories show all the better how beautiful the sharing of the gospel and the acceptance of Jesus is when you finally get to that part.
The book....I don't even know what else to say. It just gives me so much joy to think now about what took place halfway across the world forty plus years ago.
I would most definitely recommend this book to any and all. It is so....ok, I'm just gonna stop right here and come back and revise it or something tomorrow when I'm able to communicate a little better.
The bottom line is: read this book.
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