I love reading, when I pick up a good book I can't put it down until it's finished. (Well I can, but if I do, that's all I think about)
Now, this isn't very conducive to getting on with my life, especially during the school year.
So, when I'm able, I check out audio books from the library. I listen to those, literally, the entire waking portion of my day. In this way I can get my chores done (still no school) and I don't have to put my book down.
There's a lady down the road who pays me to go clean her house every couple weeks, several months ago I listened to a book while cleaning.
Every time I clean now, I'll get to a specific place (e.g. the ledge in the shower, the corner of the floor where the scale is, the pots and pans shelf), and somehow my mind will abandon what I was previously thinking, which, believe me or ask my friends, is something my mind does constantly. But this was different, I would just get this image in my mind of a man almost drowning (Our Mutual Friend by Charles Dickens), or of some other scene from my book.
I'd say a whole lot more about it, but I can't seem to put my thoughts into words.
I'm afraid this post doesn't convey the same....something-ness I'd like it to.
Another interesting thing that's kind of in the same category happened last night while I was on facebook.
I was looking at my list of online friends and every time I inhaled I got this feeling of the taste of tootsie roll. It was only for the first split second of each breath in. My mouth was closed and the taste was on my tongue, so I really wasn't smelling or tasting it, I just kept getting the sensation of tasting it. It was very, very odd, especially seeing as how there hasn't been any tootsie rolls in this house for weeks.
Ok, so you probably didn't need to hear about the tootsie roll thing.
But I've been wanting to post about the book for several weeks, it's just that I forgot what it was I wanted to post about. Actually, truth be told, it probably wasn't what I had originally thought of, it's just that when I was trying to rethink what I thought of first, this came to mind.
Again, it didn't come out in this post the same way it sits in my mind.
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