Every time I read in my biology textbook I'm awed that not everyone acknowledges God. Of course, not everyone reads my biology textbook, but still!
Today I learned about crayfish (representing all crustaceans) and spiders.
Crayfish have open circulatory systems. In other words, their short blood vessels just end and let blood pour our directly onto all the cells in their body. It's the most efficient circulatory system in Creation. It's only possible if a hard outer covering exists though (i.e. an exoskeleton or shell). Sometimes they lose a leg or antenna or claw in a fight, and you'd think they'd bleed to death, but they have a double membrane in each appendage, which means a membrane seals the opening in such a case, and the appendage regenerates!
Spiders spin webs, as everyone knows. But did you know a rope weaved of spider silk would be stronger than the strongest steel pipe yet almost as flexible as a normal rope? "In physics research, scientists are trying to develop a process called 'laser-induced nuclear fusion.' If it could ever be developed, it would result in a limitless, nuclear reaction that turns hydrogen into helium. This is a violent reaction but, when done on a tiny sample, it is controllable, provided the sample is held in a very strong, very flexible container." They've found no better material to use for these containers than spider silk.
There are spiders that make sheet webs, ones that make tangle webs, ones that make orb webs, ones that make trapdoors, and ones that make long sticky threads that they launch at their prey then reel back in.
"Now think about this for a moment. Consider the fact that spider silk is a marvelous material which 3,000 years of human science cannot even come close to manufacturing... As you study more and more science, you will see these kinds of engineering marvels exist all over Creation,... Through examples such as this one, we know that life is no accident. Such incredible systems cannot develop by chance. Clearly, Creation tells us what an awesome God we have!"
Excerpts are taken from J L. Wile and Marilyn F. Durnell's Exploring Creation with Biology, Module 12